Environmental Sustainability Logo Examples

Find inspiring environmental sustainability logo examples from real companies. Explore unique designs showcasing commitment to environmental causes. Perfect for eco-friendly brands and organizations.

The Bardee logo is a stylized design consisting of two interlocked shapes that appear to be an abstract representation of the infinity symbol. Its contours are smooth and continuous, creating a sense of fluidity and connection. The design is black, simple, and bold against a white background, conveying elegance and modernity. The shapes are reminiscent of loops or ties, suggesting a theme of interconnectivity or eternity. The logo exudes sleekness and simplicity, making it versatile for various applications.
The 1 Degree logo features a bold, black stylized numeral "1" with a bright blue circle above it, alluding to precision, innovation, and a starting point. The minimalistic and modern design offers a clean and straightforward appeal, making it suitable for subtle backgrounds.