Wavy Logo Examples

Find creative wavy logo examples for your brand. Explore unique designs for inspiration on our logo inspiration site. Spark your creativity with real company logo examples featuring wavy elements.

The logo for École des Musiques Actuelles portrays a sleek, abstract design featuring a single continuous, wavy line. This line forms a rhythmic and dynamic visual effect with delicate curves at the beginning and end, extending into two sharp peaks resembling the letter "M," a stylized heartbeat, or sound waves. Rendered in bold black, the monochromatic logo stands out sharply against a light background, exuding a modern, minimalistic, and versatile aesthetic suggestive of movement and vitality, suitable for diverse branding applications.
The Walkman logo features a modern and abstract black design with a continuous, wavy line flowing horizontally and a detached circle near its right end. The minimalistic design uses black on a white background, suggesting fluidity and movement. The smooth curves and round edges convey a soft and dynamic feel that is both simple and intriguing.
The Windstream logo is a stylized, abstract design featuring a continuous, wavy line reminiscent of a sine wave or mountain peaks. The sleek, modern aesthetic is highlighted by smooth curves and points, while the vibrant lime green color adds a fresh and energetic appeal. The symmetrical shape suggests balance or rhythm, and the simplicity of the design allows for versatile use across various media.